Questions to Ask A Wedding Photographer

Finding the perfect wedding photographer for your wedding day is a big task. What do you look for? How do you know if they’re a good fit for your day? Are all photographers the same?

I always tell my couples to talk with a photographer before you book them. You’re going to spend the most time with your photographer on your wedding day and it’s important that you click with them and trust them with capturing your day. But what do you say when you talk with them? How do you know if you’re a good fit for each other?!

I reached out to one of my favorite photographers, Whitney Olson, to get the scoop on questions to ask a photographer before you book with them. It doesn’t take much time scrolling through Whitney’s Instagram to know that she’s an amazing photographer. It also doesn’t take much time with her to know that she has a kind soul, she’s funny, and she will do whatever it takes to get an amazing picture!

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Part 1- Get to Know Olson Design Photography

Q.  Tell me a little bit about Olson Design Photography!

I am a wedding and couples photographer tucked away in the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains! We specialize in capturing the  intimate and candid moments between you and your boo! Telling your authentic story in a super fun way!

Q. Looking back, what started your passion for photography?

My passion for photography started as a little girl sitting in my grandmother's bedroom studying every single photo. My grandmother had thousands of photos, documenting her whole life. I was fascinated how a photograph could stop time and make you feel. Feel what they were feeling in that moment. Which is why from the very beginning of my professional photography career, I have been drawn to Wedding Photography. I love being able to stop time and know in 30 years they will be able to look back and FEEL how they felt that day.

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Q. What sets you apart from other wedding photographers?

EXPERIENCE! I firmly believe that beautiful photos are a dime a dozen  BUT the journey to get there is not.  My job is to not just be your photographer, but to get to know you. To tell your authentic and unique love story. 

Q. If you were a bride looking for a wedding photographer, what things would you look for?

Style and look would be my first thing that would draw me in but I also would look to see how I clicked with them and their personality! You are with your wedding photographer ALL day, on one of the most important days of your life. You want to have a good connection! I would personally want to choose someone who was calming.

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Q. What is your favorite moment to capture on a wedding day?

Directly after the first kiss! It's the same feeling, whether it's a 300 person wedding or a small elopement with only the officiant and couple. There is such JOY and celebration in that moment. You can always feel the emotion right after that moment and I always start to cry! 

Q. What is your favorite photo from your own wedding day?

My favorite photo from my wedding day isn't a jaw dropper but it's us walking back down the aisle right after the ceremony and we both weirdly turned and waved at everyone at  the same time.  I love it, because it captures how goofy and awkward we both are.

Part 2- Questions to Ask A Wedding Photographer

Question 1: Do you have a Dual Card slot camera? 

Why this is important to ask:

Dual card slot camera doesn’t mean it is a better camera or takes better photos.   It just means there are two memory cards always storing your images . One for primary and one for backup.  Technology is unpredictable! So it is important that we are constantly backing up our images so if one SD card corrupts , there is a backup that has all your images safe and sound! Speaking of backing up! Do not forget to ask how they back up the photos, once they get home! They should be backing it up to multiple places! 

Question 2: Can I see a full Wedding gallery? 

Why this is important to ask:

Instagram and websites tend to showcase the BEST photos.  You want to see a full wedding gallery to get a better understanding of your photographer and their style. 

Is there editing style consistent throughout the day?

How do they tell the story of the wedding? Does their storytelling match what you want for your wedding photos? 

What about the reception?  Are they able to navigate multiple lighting situations? 

 Are most of the images sharp and in focus? 

It is important to take a closer look at your wedding photographers work to see you are making the best decision for you and your Fiance! 

Question 3: Do you carry back up equipment? 

Why this is important to ask: 

Like I said before, technology is unpredictable! You just never know when a camera , lens or flash is going to decide it isn't going to work!  Last year at a wedding my  camera quit being able  focusing in the middle of capturing detail shots. I tried everything and it would NOT work. Thankfully I had a backup camera and I was able to carry on as normal! The newly married couple and their families had no idea.  My camera ended up being just fine and it was a quick fix. If I had not had backup equipment, I would have had to tell the couple that my camera had quit working and it could have totally ruined their wedding! This is why it is so important to have back up equipment as well!

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Where to find Olson Design Photography:


A Wedding Photographer’s Take On Wedding Coordinators


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